Monday, September 27, 2010

You sound like you're from London

So, London was quite the adventure to say the least. The trip begin with an overnight bus ride. Customs was very intimidating crossing the English channel they probably asked me at least fifteen questions, but I got my passport stamped in France and the UK which was exciting. Our bus then drove onto a nine level ferry at 3 am in the morning which had restaurants and shopping aboard. We arrived in London at 6 am, i don't know that I am so fond of the overnight travel, as you all know I am a girl who needs her sleep so making it through the whole first day of tours in London was a struggle. But, very worth it.

Day one was typical London rainy, grey, and cold.. but we embarked on a three hour free walking tour and embraced every second of it. I saw Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Parliament, Hyde Park, Westminster Abbey, all the big tourist attractions. We then endulged in some fish and chips and went shopping on Bond and Regent Street the equivelent of 5th Avenue and Time Square!

Day Two we spent on our own Tour of the London Tower, London Bridge, Shakespeares Globe, St.Paul's Cathedral and Wimbeldon. It was so much fun!

Our last day we relaxed and got lunch and played some pool in our hostel and then embarked on our journey home...which turned out to be a bit more then we bargained for. Our bus was very late and our bus driver was quite grouchy, but instead of taking the ferry we took the euro tunnel. That was really neat!! The bus drives onto a train and all the cars and buses and 18 wheelers are aboard this train which then travels underneath the channel. We ended up getting home very late, but all in all a fantastic trip. Saw a lot, just learning the best ways to travel.. bus probably isn't my favorite haha.

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