Sunday, September 12, 2010


Normandy was a big surprise to me. I had read all about D-Day, but had no idea the massive remains that were left on the beaches. Everything from pieces of boats and bunkers to the craters left in the ground from the canons hitting. The American cemetery with over 9,000 headstones was also very moving and I felt privileged to walk on the 30 acres of American soil in France at Point D'Hoc.

Mont St.Michel was beautiful. It reminded me of a much more peaceful shutter island like place. Funny, when we got there the tide was up so far we had water surrounding us and the bus couldn't park and when we left the tide had gone out 9 miles. They have incredible drastic tide changes within minutes there.

Our last funny little experience was seeing sheep legitemately blocking a lane of the road. I one thought that only happened in movies and two thought that only happened in Ireland. It was very entertaining. I couldn't have asked for a better way to start this adventure. France was fabulous and I am glad I spent the time I did there and traveled to so many different sites within the country. But, as I sit here in my room back in Leuven I am happy to have returned to my cozy home away from home.

1 comment:

  1. You went to a shutter island looking island??? What were you thinking???

    It looks beautiful though, Brigette. Hope you're having a great time.
