Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Leysin, Switzerland

Upon landing in the Geneva airport and hoping on the train towards Leysin I thought to myself okay, this is pretty, nothing to write home about quite yet. Then the train transformed into a cable car and began creeping up a 2,048 meter mountain (The Berneuse) at what felt like close to a 90 degree climb. We swerved in and out of the mountain and upon arrival I was literally standing in a cloud, thats how high we were. It was one of the most breath taking natural landscapes I have ever seen, if not the most mind blowing.

The first night we went snow tubing, not just any ordinary snow tubing, the tracks were labeled per difficulty much like the mountains (blue, green , red, and black). The black snow tube track was so high you had to wear a helmet and it ended by shooting you off a ramp into a huge moon bounce like structure. Next to the snow tubing was a restaurant completely made out of ice: tables, chairs, inside an igloo, blankets made of fur, too cool.

The following morning we woke up early bundled up, even though it was close to 45 degrees and sunny at the top of the mountain it was windy. We rented skis and hit the slopes. It had been about 5 years since I went skiing, Erika has only ever been once, and it was Nayha's first time, so naturally we wanted to start with the bunny slopes. Surprise, the Swiss Alps is not the place for beginners, bunny slopes didn't exist so we went up even higher into the mountain and practiced, I soon moved onto the blue slope and it all came back fast, then later went down a steeper blue alone because the girls were wiped, which turned into a red, very scary, but completely exhilarating.

Valentines Day was our last full day in Leysin and we spent the day hiking down the mountain to the towns center Feydey it was pretty steep and hard to balance, but it was a beautiful day. Then we went to dinner and dessert at a cute cafe nearby where we could take in the views.

Now it is back to normalicy for a little while; classes start today... until next time, Brigette

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