Friday, February 11, 2011

Mom in Europe

This past week I had the opportunity to travel with Mom and Uncle Ed through Cologne, Stuttgart, and finally to Dinkelsbuhl, Germany. For years I had heard how beautiful the town was they used to spend their summers visiting their grandmother (my great grandmother) in Germany. They were absolutely right, this quaint town tucked back in the countryside of Germany on the romantic highway was full of charm and memories. I saw the church where my grandmother and grandfather got married, the house of my great grandmother, and met family that had I not been studying here, probably would have never been lucky enough to form ties with. It was most certainly something I will never forget.

After we returned home from Germany we spent a few days exploring every crevice of Leuven from showing her where my classes were, the post office, grocery store, parks, town hall, shopping, and of course, trying a Belgian waffle.

On her last day, we went to Brussels and did a bus tour that was narrated in 12 different languages. It was pretty interesting to see some parts of Brussels I had even yet to see such as the atomium, which was built during the Worlds Fair in Brussels and Parliament. The first few days were 50 and sunny, but by the end of the week she got to experience the true Belgian rains. It was a fantastic week.

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