Sunday, March 20, 2011

Huis Trip

Each semester we go on one big house trip, most trips just include the Loyola students, but this trip includes all Belgians and Internationals living in the house with us and always makes for a great time! Above is just a handful of us, but represented are individuals from the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Italy, and Spain.

It started out cloudy for the first castle we went to visit -Veves. Though it added an eery feel to the establishment built some hundred years ago. We had a guided tour inside where we saw the original layout and furniture. It was massive inside and they had rooms for just about everything.

Our next stop was Dinant, a beautiful, quaint little french speaking nautical town. It's main attraction is the cathedral which has pretty magnificent stained glass windows and interior paintings. It also was the birthplace of the saxophone and they were having a commemorative month so the town was filled with saxophones everywhere. It was pretty neat.

By the end of the day when we went to some old Roman ruins and Abbey the sun was shining. Amazing what the sun can do to everyones mood. My favorite part by far was the ruins, they were so beautiful and just standing in the middle of a grass field but looking up at the ivy covered ruins was quite breath taking. Really awesome day trip.

1 comment:

  1. These photos are my favorite. Such a great collection to have for the future. --Elizabeth
