Tuesday, December 7, 2010


It snowed for six days here in Leuven. Bikes were snowed in and thank goodness my warm boots made it back with me after Thanksgiving. It made for a beautiful couple days though. Leuven is such a quaint town, I love it.

Sinterklaas is a holiday celebrated in Europe which starts the holiday season off. All the children leave their boots out, a note for sinterklaas, a beer, a carrot, and a sugar cube (kind of like our milk and cookies). Then we woke up in the morning to an orange, pear, chocolates, gingerbread, and coins inside out boot- granted we were good this year. He and his black petes, kind of like his elves, joined us in a big party where we all sung a christmas song and talked about our behavior this year. It was like a big roast and very funny. The season in Europe has been so much fun, can't wait to get home, but boy is the spirit here marvelous!

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