Sunday, September 19, 2010

My room

For those of you who were asking : )
here is a photo of my room. It's quaint. Still waiting to see when my roommate will arrive from Poland, everyone else's has and mine is MIA...

1 comment:

  1. hello Brigette,

    I am a virtual postman and I have an urgent telegram from your roommate. As she lives on the farm in the middle of forest she doesnt have such things like mobile or access to the net. Its kinda weird, but please forgive her :P:P

    her message: Dear Brigette STOP Im your roommate STOP cant wait to see you STOP and sleep with you STOP and share our morning air in our room STOP sorry for my late arrival STOP but planes in Poland STOP stopped flying STOP No worries STOP I ordered a horse-riven cab STOP so till Saturday evening STOP i should be in the right place STOP next to you STOP
    p.s. Would you like me to bring you some food like some pork lard or fresh "Bigos"? hahah

    Brigette, enjoy having a room for yourself, after my arrival nothing will be the same :P

    take care,

