Friday, May 20, 2011


Prague was perhaps the most European city I feel like I have visited. It was like a fairy tale village or amusement park, every castle and cathedral blended to make the cityscape so picturesque. The old town was my favorite filled with so much history within the Jewish quarter, then we crossed the Charles Bridge which gave you the best view and you climbed up this hill to parliament and the palace it was really neat. We also visited the John Lennon wall which is the most famous graffiti wall in the world.

The second day we took a train outside of Prague to a town called Kutna Hora which is world known for its ossuary, which is a church made completely of bones. It is the only one in the world and a UNESCO world heritage site, at first the thought seemed a little morbid but the story has it that during the plague people were said to make it to heaven faster if they donated their bodies to the construction of the church and within 3 days their bodies would completely disintegrate to only bones. It was creepy, but really cool, I was glad we made the hour trip outside the city center not only to see this but just to see the Czech Republic countryside. It was a really beautiful train ride.

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